Eye on the challenge: Can we prevent seals from predation of salmon?

Seals prey on farmed salmon and stress the captive fish. This leads to drastic reactions – such as licensed seal shooting. Can GenusWave’s Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology (TAST) stop the carnage?

GenusWave’s signature research and testing has developed sound waves targeted for specific species, such as salmon, that trigger their innate startle response. The sound causes them to flee human activity – without harming them or other species.

This high-tech acoustic technology replaces primitive loud deterrents (to which predators habituate) by deterring animals without harming them and conditions the animal to avoid the area. Predator seals do not habituate to the reflex. Exposure only leads to increased sensitivity and proclivity to swim away.

TAST offers a scientific solution to the costly impact of seals feasting at aquaculture sites. It creates a safe, effective zone between seals and salmon pens and can replace primitive acoustic devices that don’t work and harm animals.

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