We help fish farms and other commercial enterprises thrive without harming the environment

Around the world, governments and organizations committed to responsible aquaculture are prohibiting the use of primitive acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs).


Explore applications by Use Case



For decades, salmon farmers have searched for an effective way to stop predatory seals from stealing fish and enjoying an easy lunch. From harmful acoustic deterrents to expensive nets that don’t last, nothing seemed capable of stopping a seal determined to harass, bite, and eat farmed fish.

Until now. SalmonSafe™ has been shown to reduce lost fish from seal predation by 95% or more, dramatically improving salmon farming output while reducing equipment costs.

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For decades, salmon farmers have searched for an effective way to stop predatory seals from stealing fish and enjoying an easy lunch. From harmful acoustic deterrents to expensive nets that don’t last, nothing seemed capable of stopping a seal determined to harass, bite, and eat farmed fish.

Until now. SalmonSafe™ has been shown to reduce lost fish from seal predation by 95% or more, dramatically improving salmon farming output while reducing equipment costs.

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Salmon Conservation


For decades, salmon farmers have searched for an effective way to stop predatory seals from stealing fish and enjoying an easy lunch. From harmful acoustic deterrents to expensive nets that don’t last, nothing seemed capable of stopping a seal determined to harass, bite, and eat farmed fish.

Until now. SalmonSafe™ has been shown to reduce lost fish from seal predation by 95% or more, dramatically improving salmon farming output while reducing equipment costs.

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Marine Construction & Renewables


For decades, salmon farmers have searched for an effective way to stop predatory seals from stealing fish and enjoying an easy lunch. From harmful acoustic deterrents to expensive nets that don’t last, nothing seemed capable of stopping a seal determined to harass, bite, and eat farmed fish.

Until now. SalmonSafe™ has been shown to reduce lost fish from seal predation by 95% or more, dramatically improving salmon farming output while reducing equipment costs.

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For decades, salmon farmers have searched for an effective way to stop predatory seals from stealing fish and enjoying an easy lunch. From harmful acoustic deterrents to expensive nets that don’t last, nothing seemed capable of stopping a seal determined to harass, bite, and eat farmed fish.

Until now. SalmonSafe™ has been shown to reduce lost fish from seal predation by 95% or more, dramatically improving salmon farming output while reducing equipment costs.

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