Efficacy of Acoustic Deterrents in Mitigating Seal Depredation on Fishing Catch: MMO Technical report

Abstract: Efficacy of Acoustic Deterrents in Mitigating Seal Depredation on Fishing Catch


To address these concerns, developments have been made to increase efficacy and limit the ecological impacts of ADDs. One such example is the Genuswave Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology (TAST), which is a type of Acoustic Startle Device (ASD) developed at the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) at St Andrews University. TAST devices cause an autonomous startle reflex which has been shown to be effective in leading to avoidance behaviour by seals around fish farms.

This study investigated the effectiveness of the Genuswave TAST device as a non-lethal deterrent for reducing seal interactions with an inshore mackerel line fishery in St Ives Bay, Cornwall. The device was deployed on six fishing vessels during February and March 2022 with data on fish landings and seal presence recorded by fishers and observers.

The study found that the use of TAST reduced the likelihood of sighting a seal and significantly increased the distance of seals from fishing vessels. This result aligns with previous studies which have shown that the TAST device can reduce seal depredation and reduce seal detections in wild sea fisheries

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